
June is a bounty hunter who travels around the Earth Kingdom. She is a mercenary and has no allegiance to any nation, only the highest bidder for her services. She is confident and self-assured, possesses a dry sarcastic wit, considered quite beautiful in a dangerous sort of way and has incredible physical strength. June will arm wrestle men in bars on a bet, then squander her winnings on a round of drinks. June wears a headband with a skull adornment, the origin of which is unknown. June hunts her prey with the help of her mount, a giant beast called a Shirshu; hers is named Nyla. Though blind, the Shirshu "sees" by means of its powerful scent receptors, and June claims it can track quarry across half a continent. To capture her targets June depends on her Shirshu to use its long whip-like tongue (coated in paralyzing neurotoxins) to immobilize them.

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